Find Off-Market opportunities With Actovia CRE data

Find off-market deal.

Data precision.
Advanced search.
Lead Generation.

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Get Real Owner Contact

Actovia has the most accurate commercial real estate owner data. Get name, number, email for over 12M+ properties.

Advanced Property Search

Over 250 filters to identify hidden opportunities.

Bulk Emails

Export bulk emails to boost your marketing campaign.

Lender data

Identify properties that are at risk of default and get lender data.

With Actovia's valuable CRE contact data, our sales & marketing team quickly increased the quality and depth of our marketing data, boosting the effectiveness of our lead generation efforts leading to increased sales.

Mike CookCo-Founder & Chief Growth Office, Runwise

Leverage Actovia data

The growth of your business relies on your ability to get in front of clients at the exact time that they are looking for you. Leverage Actovia data to reach your target market.

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