New Search Criteria in actovia

Actovia now offers the ability to search by ground lease and tax amounts.

Get super specific in your search with loads of search filters, designed to create lead lists to your exact niche.

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Smarter commercial mortgage & real estate data to power better decisions

As a ready-made interface, Actovia lets you easily search real estate ownership info, track and manage leads, and identify property owners who may be waiting for your call. We take the data entry out of mortgage brokering and real estate investing.

Find real property owner information

Access owner names, phone numbers, partnership information, full portfolio, and complete loan situation so you can determine if they’re ready to sell

Get alerts via email

Never lose track of important changes to your portfolio and starred properties with automated weekly updates delivered straight to your inbox

Become an off-market opportunist

Find leads and off-market deals by using our custom search engine to identify properties that are up for refinancing or likely to be sold

Map potential opportunities with street view

Uncover the market by using street view, our tool that allows you walk the block and identify neighborhood sales and mortgage trends

Know the property before you call

Search properties by type, square footage, number of units, stories, and see full historials to help you make informed investment decisions

Built by Real Estate People for CRE Professionals

Streamline your deal-flow with our innovative software built just for you.

The growth of our business relies on Actovia. We love the platform and the customer service. Keep up the great work!

- David ScheerArcher Companies

Source new leads with highly accurate CRE & mortgage data

Find deals without suffering through endless LLC research

  • Detailed owner information including phone numbers
  • Portfolio specs
  • Loan data by maturity date, rate, prepaid penalty & rollover date
  • Foreclosures
  • Property type
  • Tax class
  • Property value
  • Zoning
  • Air rights
  • Lender data
  • Mortgage amount, rate, refinance/purchase
  • Sales history
  • Liens
  • Permits issued
  • Historical analysis
  • Number of recurring mortgages

Source new leads with highly accurate CRE & mortgage data

Find deals without suffering through endless LLC research

  • Detailed owner information including phone numbers
  • Portfolio specs
  • Loan data with maturity date
  • Foreclosures
  • Property type
  • Tax class
  • Property value
  • Property value
  • Zoning
  • Air rights
  • Lender data
  • Mortgage amount, rate, refinance/purchase
  • Sales history
  • Liens
  • Permits issued
  • Historical analysis
  • Number of recurring mortgages



Personalized customer service

Optional CRM integration

Cloud Based Software

Speak to a specialist

About our Enterprise solutions

Adding an API to your application or CRM

Bulk purchasing owner mailing or email addresses.

Acquiring bulk data

Uncover the data that matters to your business

Get to know property details and owner portfolios before you ever pick up the phone using the Actovia dashboard

Are you ready to go?